Hi guys, almost new here in this subscription , would you be sharing more plays like this one in order for us the new ones be able to buy also as you did with this one?

Thank you.

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Yup! We send out any trade Burry makes the minute he files and then we write up stock reports on the trades the week after.

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Oh okay, for now it’s not any new one ? And also which other investors did you follow?


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Nope, this was a trade from his filings in November. Right now we closely track Burry, Buffett, Pelosi, Dalio, and Ackman.

Will be adding more soon though !

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Okay thanks guys , the ones you are adding are the ones you are in ?

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Hmm what do you mean by "In"? Want to make sure I'm answering correctly.

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I mean the trades you published are the oners you take ?

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